
Rangers Upon the Coast - Session 2

We went fishing, and we killed the gryphon that had been harassing the fisherfolk in the region. We brought back a baby gryphon to the flotilla.


  • Unhindered Procession (Matthew)
  • Braga (Brendan)
  • Piren (Nic)
  • Galti (Mitch)
  • Girom (Jim)
  • Refereed by Danni


The brass-winged beast that distracted our captor long enough to free ourselves was clearly a good omen. We will pursue it.

We seek the glory of this deed, and think it may be worth money to collect such metallic parts. There is a sense among some of us that we are destined to pursue this beast.


I. Nobody ever claps me on the back for bringing in a bucket full of crabs.

Barra is sick of crabs.

All his meals these last few weeks have been nothing but those goddamn side-scuttlers. Chowder, soup, boils. The chowder was okay, at least, when there was good grass for the cows, and the cows weren’t getting carried off.

Catching them is a simple process, but slow and steady. Excruciatingly boring, Barra thought, compared to fishing for marlin and swordfish—or even the occasional shark or porpoise. There may be a meal and coin enough in waiting for a crab pot to fill, but too little pride and nowhere near enough excitement. Barra especially liked the looks on the faces of the children on the docks when they brought in a fish two, sometimes three times as tall as a person.

The fishing gear on the 19-person boat has been idle lately. Barra looked at the full bait bucket and sighed. A shame, since it cost so damned much to get it in the first place. The cabin boy interrupted his contemplations to let him know a karvi approached, bearing the blue and gold of the Count Lutrin. A rare sight to see that cruel wretch’s colors in these parts.

II. I’m almost sad about those fools.

These weren’t the first to come sniffing after Cioran’s bounty, but these were the first in a few weeks. Barra watched the karvi as they rowed away, mostly to make sure they weren’t doubling back to raid the ship. The cabin boy was still standing there gawking.

Fuck off and go scrub something.”

Barra ignored the cabin boy’s sulk and turned over his new compass in his hand. When the boy left he put it in his pocket.

Catching fish of prey is simple. You start small, and work your way up. Toss out some chum and a bait a hook with a fish, and you catch a bigger fish. And do it again. And do it again. Each time, you risk everything for a greater haul. Barra had a good sense of the limits of his luck, and so was inclined both to dice and fishing.

Picking up a lingering piece of chum, Barra chucked it overboard and rubbed his hands clean in the rain. This is for the best. It’s safer to be a crab man—that gryphon has a insatiable hunger for big fish and isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. Sometimes you have to know when to hold back and play it safe.

III. The first thing I did when I saw the boat return was swear. The second thing I did was check the compass one last time.

Lutrin’s goons did an admirable job with what sounded like—as best he could understand through their one crew member who shoddily spoke Ruis—was their first time catching a marlin. They took it to Crabfeast Island,” that miserable isle of jagged rock, and tried their luck by securing the hooked marlin to a rock on the beach.

As a gambler, it seemed to Barra like they rolled the dice well. Not a single scratch on them. As they told it, they brought it down out of the sky with a single javelin, dodged a dozen talon swipes, and then all were upon it all at once. Dead before it could blink. The fiends had a kind of radiance and pride about them that they must have dug up somewhere on that island.

The crew kept pointing to the beaked head mounted on the front of their boat and using a word like dragon.” They were almost as insistent as the nestling they had in the boat who kept screeching for more chunks of fish.

IV. A brass charm.

He’d miss the compass, but Barra turned the dragon” feather—as long as his arm, almost—over in his hand, then handed it to the cabin boy to admire and tie onto something for luck. He thought about how good it would feel to catch real fish again. Something worthy of a challenge. Something w—

…Those whelps rowed off with all our fucking fishing gear.”

Barra opened up one of the crab pots and began throwing crabs one at a time into the sea until someone restrained him.


I will mount the head of this dragon to the front of our boat.”

I will draw the beast’s blood first.” (First blood went to Braga)

I will return with my arms filled with spoils from the dragon’s hoard.”

I will take the wing off it’s horrible body with my axe!”

This beast will not lay a talon I nor my compatriots!”


  • a bounty has been set by Cioran in Culemwardern for the beast

Full Notes

  • The weather has turned. (Heavy rain, light breeze.)
  • scouting the mountain
    • a jet-black rock, imposing spires
    • a conspicuous lack of seagulls
    • sighted to the south: a lone shipping vessel in (04, 06) - about karvi size, but not a karvi for raiding. sails down, anchored.
  • making landfall at Crabfeast Island
    • northwest corner, late morning (~10am)
    • crabs!
    • half cow skeleton
  • heading to say hello to the fishing ship
    • 11:30am or so, rain still falling, persistent (but thinning?)
    • Barra — fisherman who says hello to us, says we’re far afield from the cruel count’s” waters
  • a bounty has been set by Cioran in Culem Wardern for the beast
  • the fisherman used to catch fish of prey, but the beast harassed them as long as they caught fish meat
  • we traded a compass for collateral on some fishing gear to catch a fish to lure the dragon
  • gone fishin’
    • ~2p: southern side: a little less severe
    • tallest point is the northern side of the island
    • 3:30p fishing attempt - we catch a beautiful marlin within an hour, the waters have not been fished lately
    • 4:00p returning to crabfeast island
      • scattered terrestial mammal bones
      • we begin gutting the fish
      • we hear a howling godzilla-y screech
      • we try to bait the marlin
    • 5:00p fighting the bird dragon
      • head of an eagle
      • two talons
      • the body of a gargantuan lion
      • gryphon
      • poem: beyond by luke gearing
      • every attack from the gryphon swings wide
      • we fell the beast in two rounds of combat, falling upon it essentially all at once
        • simultaneous everyone acted faster than the gryphon
    • we feasted, the vibes were incredible. we ate the marlin, and everyone but piren also partook of the gryphon’s flesh
    • we camped in the rain under scant shelter
  • the next morning
    • rain lets up to a drizzle
    • visibility has improved
    • the vibes are so fucking good
  • going to the dragon’s den
    • there is a nest made from crude branches
    • there are five squawking gryphon chicks
    • we came down the mountain with one dragon fletchling
    • we traded our compass back for a gryphon feather
Up next Rangers Upon the Coast - Session 1 A boat was sent to Count Drest to try to cajole aid from him. He is afflicted by nightmares. The party learned that the nightmares are connected to Rangers Upon the Coast - Session 3 A boat was sent to scout Ruislip to scout, and encountered a monster that steals and collects bones. They then went to talk to a small village and
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