
Rangers Upon the Coast - Session 4

A party travels to the villages of Tonintoul and Contin, to learn more of the situation surrounding Count Drest. They discover that he is hated outside of his court. In Contin, they are led to an old temple and undergo a tooth-extraction based ritual to prove they are worth talking to, and a party member pretending to be possessed by the god Onthloug tricks their guide into pursuing some further mysterious ritual.


  • Beimir, the Apothecary (Neal)
  • Roderico (Sergio)
  • Aethelwig (Galgoa)
  • Gest (Matt)
  • Mongfhind (Vivian)
  • Refereed by Danni


Party is heading to the small town at 1006 to gather more information about Gullsrock Tower, Flodaigh Island on which it sits, and also the supposed healer in the area who knows a site of great healing power.


At Tonintoul (10,06)

The door to every home has been painted black and will remain so for a full lunar cycle. This is how the residents of Tonintoul, already so downtrodden under the taxation of Count Drest, show mourning for the death of their revered village elder Ciniath. Whether she was run down intentionally by Drest’s men or it was a terrible accident seems almost irrelevant; a boot to one’s neck is still a boot whether it presses or rests.

Without her guidance they now look to Darlugdach, a man who does not embrace this new responsibility but reluctantly accepts it all the same. Drest’s men visit him often now and will surely return to take more sleep or cattle. There is much available farmland and livestock but all in the town are gaunt. They know not of any curse on the Count, the Count is plenty of a curse in himself. Perhaps another one that the flotilla could assist in breaking.

At Contin (11,06)

The residents of Contin have turned back to the old ways. The chapel, so used decades back, sits empty as a temple further in the mountain seems to give the residents what they need. It is a hardscrabble existence, but one free of Count Drest. This is a rare and prideful existence, at least to those in the village.

This is what Onthloug, an Old One of the deep parts of the mountains and the trees, provides. For this all in the village have offered one of their front four teeth in ceremony, a tooth nearest to where the tongue forms words. This grants wisdom and makes one an adult in the eyes of the village. Seonaid explained as much as she greeted the players, unwilling to discuss anything further until the party offered their own willing participation in the ceremony. Four did, smiles now showing a window for wisdom that puts some fellow sailors ill at ease.

At The Temple (12,07)

If a tooth grants wisdom then a tongue must grant something much more. The temple (12,07) is at the base of the mountain, mostly natural features that have been altered to suit its purpose. Feels like something more found than made, though it is unclear if all of the elaborate carvings showing flooding cities and the earth ripped asunder determined the location or came after.

The tongues nailed to the barren branches of a large tree definitely came after, either from those who wronged Seonaid or the result of the ritual to become a healer. Folta, the temple guide, is currently taking part in that process after taking a farce for a miracle. Though something like a miracle did occur in those who took part, each feeling their wounds heal and a newfound peace of mind. Contin will parlay with representatives from the flotilla now, but when is a tooth more than just a tooth?


I will recruit this rumored healer to serve in our flotilla”


  • What lies at the bottom of the ramp in the temple to Onthloug (10,06)? Folta seemed not to want the party to explore but those teeth have to go somewhere. 
  • Beimer is especially interested in the supposed power of Onthloug, given how well it made him feel and seeing Aethelwig cured. Would this come from observation or experience? Contin (11.06) may possess more answers for those willing to part with a tooth. 
  • Mongfind still seeks to cure Count Drest though believes now it may require him to change his ways and not old magic. Aethelwig seeks to recruit a healer still, of which it seems Contin (11,06) has several with one more soon to ascend. The pathway to healer and the rumored healing grounds could possibly be open for anyone willing to sever their tongue in completion of the ceremony. 
  • Roderico would like to learn what it is about Contin that makes it able to resist Drest. Are their other towns like it? Could be something to learn more about at the court in Dun Dulnadd (09,06) or from Drest directly. 
  • Contin (11,06) may be able to offer some support to Aethelwig and anyone else seeking revenge on the ogre (08,03). Would be something to speak to Seonaid about. 
  • Darladoch seems eager to have assistance so that Tonintoul (10,06) could stand against up to Count Drest. Food fit for a count is certainly fit for its own farmers and a flotilla of ex-thralls. Many of the buildings are vacant as well and could make for good homes after years at sea. 
  • Gest is happy to have some time on solid ground and remains curious still as to what is to be found deeper in the woods, especially now that he has Onthloug’s supposed favor. 
  • Both Darlugdach and Seonaid confirmed that Flodaigh Island has been empty for years.  There isn’t a living generation that remembers a time before Gullsrock Tower was visible on the horizon. Still, people seem to want to keep clear of it, and eventually such rumors might need to be confirmed in person.

Full Notes

Flotilla (10,04) - Morning - Overcast - Light breeze to the south

  • the karvi sets off due east then hugs the coast south 
  • uneventful, party gets to know each other
  • group is older and unassuming, good to be unthreatening when asking around

Tonintoul (10,06) - Twilight 

  • Tonintoul sits a few miles inland
  • the town is small and mostly empty, few residents actively avoid party, all doors have recently been painted black
    • residents are gaunt, even with ample livestock
  • road bisects town, group decides to split up to ask around with some going north of road and others south, Roderico proposes everyone reconvene later in the evening at large house in the center of town
  • Aethelwig boasts I will recruit this rumored healer to serve in our flotilla.”

Mongfind and Gest Head North (still 10,06) 

  • encounter drunken soldiers banging on a door of humble thatched-roof mud hut, shouting Darlugdach”
    • they are well armed and bear the crest of Count Drest
    • Drest always approves of sending a reminder every once in a while.”
    • Mongfind knocks on door once soldiers depart, gets group invited inside
  • Darlugdach: weary redheaded man, gaunt and clearly not sleeping
    • Mongfin asks about Flodaigh Island: goes generations back, tower predates Dun Dulnadd, family avoided it growing up as good Christians, probably only old rotten things and birdshit there now
    • Unaware of curse on Drest, The only curse we bear is that of Drest”
    • Drest places massive taxes on the town, takes all the food produced, he was never a friend to the town but has gotten worse recently  
    • Town elder and de facto leader Ciniath was killed by Drest’s men, the black doors are mourning her death
    • remaining villagers (~45) turning to Darlugdach for guidance, he feels like this this new role has led to him being target for type of harassment the group witnessed
    • Tonintoul unable to defend itself, seemed interested in partnering with flotilla for protection
    • Asked about healer: to southeast is town of Contin, where indeed a healer had offered to assist Count Drest with his nightmares
      • People of Contin know about the old ways.” (as a Christian, Darlugdach does not think highly of these old ways) 
      • They have forsaken Christ, chapel sits unused, in conflict with Drest about taxes (which they do not pay) or their strange ways
    • Gives the party directions to a house they can use for the night, Gest offers the gift of a snare, which is gratefully received 

Roderico, Beimir, and Aethelwig head south (still 10,06)

  • run into a group of four women from the village on the road, including Derelei

  • Derelei:

    • Surely you go not to Contin”
    • Roderico asks about the healer, Derelei confirms healer came from Contin, I’m sure many who don’t follow Christ would fancy themselves a healer”
    • Derelei explains how folks in Contin practice the old ways, which includes the need of a front adult tooth to be removed for someone to be considered an adult and taken seriously by the settlement 
    • Aethelwig offers to hear confession We have but one thing to confess, which is wraith [towards Drest]” 
    • All this wealth of land and yet we are not the ones that eat”
    • Wishes that Tonintoul had resisted Drest, too late now in the present condition
  • Before parting ways, Beimir gives a concoction from his traveling lab that should help with the hunger pains 

  • Nightfall - Group reconvenes and takes an inventory of their teeth before settling down in the house suggested by Darlugdach

    Day 11 

    Contin (11,06)

  • A larger, older town near the base of the mountains, it is clear that they are proud of their hardscrabble independence and not welcoming of outsiders, many armed villagers make themselves known on the party’s arrival.

  • Mongfin respectfully addresses them as a free city aware of the deep places in a manner she overheard in the court of Count Drest, it seems to work as a brawny woman in mail armor approaches

  • Seonaid: 

    • asks if they party represents Drest, clearly wary of outsiders 
    • explains that, to gain cooperation from Contin, including the possibility of healing, an offering of a tooth must be made at the temple 
    • the offering a tooth bestows wisdom and is the only way to be seen as an adult, all others are children and important matters are not discussed with children
    • Turns out the teeth are for Onthloug, one of the Old Ones of the mountains and woods (each time Onthloug’s name is mentioned followers in Contin mutter it three more times) 
    • Seonaid appreciates that the party respects the old ways 
    • Also does not believe that anything is out on Flodaigh Island
  • Not everyone is sure that they want to offer a tooth, but enough party members agree that a nearby scrawny man named Folta is tasked with leading them to the temple, they pass the abandoned chapel on the way, which goes unremarked on

  • while walking Fotla explains how few ever leave Contin, as it provides for its own and the protections offered by Onthloug keep in safe, in a region of cruel counts it is one of the last free places

The Temple 12,07

  • The Temple is at the base of the mountain, mostly natural occurring features but with some man-made elements for easier access
  • Beimir, Aethelwig, Gest, and Mongfind all decide to go through with the offering, Roderico decides that it would be too against his faith (which is one of his last remaining connections to his homeland) so waits outside
  • As party heads in they notice that the entrance of the temple is a tree with tongues nailed to it and two stacks of skulls
    • Very intricate, to the point of feeling almost alien to any point of reference the party has, has been carved in coorider that leads deeper, showing crowned figures, cityscapes half flooded, earth cracking open
    • Party also notices a ramp going down but continues up to the ceremonial chamber
  • Passage continues into the mountain then opens into a chamber with a large hole in the center, bloodstains on the floor, and knives and tools for removing teeth (one of the front four nearest to where the tongue forms words) on the wall
  • Gest and Beimir go first, assisted by Folta, both notice a feeling of peace and well-being after making the offering, the bleeding stopping very quickly and being replaced by something sticky, almost like sap
  • Mongfind pulls her tooth herself and notices the same
  • Aethelwig goes last, after throwing tooth down the hole he places a vial (as he too has a portable lab) in his mouth that emits smoke, he then acts as of Onthloug is speaking through him and demands that these travelers require one of your number to assist them with their quest)
  • Folta takes this very seriously, going into religious fervor, saying it is a sign and that he must complete the ritual. He then begins to saw off his tongue as the party departs
  • Mongfind confronts Aethelwig, believing that his ruse will get them all killed

Back at Contin (11,06)

  • Seonaid will now address everyone but Roderico, 
    • thinks it is strange that Fotla would complete the ritual on account of being so young, but at least currently does not hold the party responsible for his actions 
    • explains how they indeed had offered healing aid to Drest, the role of healer is reserved for those who have offered their tongue as Fotla is doing now
    • is unable to offer any food for the flotilla, as Contin only produces just enough for itself

Back at Tonintoul (10,06)

  • Roderico, being the only one now with all his teeth, informs Darladoch that the party made contact with Contin
  • Darladoch has not heard of Onthloug, seems disinterested and more focused on current predicament
  • The party notes that Tonintoul seems like it would surely have enough food for the flotilla if not for the Count Drest

Uneventful trip back to Flotilla (10,04)

  • It is observed that, since the offering ceremony, all of Aethelwig’s wounds from the ogre battle have been completely healed 
    • Onthloug, Onthloug, Onthloug
Up next Rangers Upon the Coast - Session 3 A boat was sent to scout Ruislip to scout, and encountered a monster that steals and collects bones. They then went to talk to a small village and Rangers Upon the Coast - Session 5 A party travels to Flodaigh Island to try to determine the source of Count Drest’s nightmares. They find a tower inhabited by a swordsman whose mind
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