After navigating the ruins of Donenashoe and finding some choice loot, Mongfhind made eye contact with a gorgon. Praise Onthloug for seeing her remains returned to us, that we may remember her face for all eternity.
- Mongfhind (Vivian)
- Aethelwig (Galgoa)
- The Giant (Mynar)
- Alfred (Slasher)
- Kel / Sonorant (Anthony)
- Refereed by Michael
Visit Dorbog and the ruins of Donenashoe.
The party travels to Ruislip o find the city sized beast, in hex 03.10. We discover that the beast essentially travels in a circle around ruins, called Donenashoe on the map, seemingly protecting them. It purposefully kills deer with some degree of intelligence, and then pursues us.
Procession successfully kites the beast, with the stamina granted to him by Onthloug. Mongfhind and Gest race up the beast, with Mongfhind easily ascending first and offering a helping hand to Gest, as success is always granted to the favored of Onthloug. Upon summiting the beast, they blind it, Gest with axe, and Mongfhind with a Blessed Bite. We leave it, the ruins now unguarded.
“Let none say that Onthloug does not protect. Through me, he will not allow a single sheep (one of us) to be lost”
“Whatever is out there, I’ll draw it out”
No rumors were discovered this session.
Full Notes
Flotilla - 00,11
- Fire at Dorbog visible on the horizon.
Dorbog - 01,11
- Party approaches town for, ideally, quick fact finding mission
- Dead animals and corpses line the shore
- Top of granary has been completely sheared off,
- part of town flattened, whatever caused this (identified as the city-sized beast by Mongfhind) seems to have come from northeast and headed south
- Survivors in chaos, boats streaming out of the delta and fleeing along the coast
- Mongfhind suggests moving on, Kel is the only one that pushes back, but assents
- Party heads upriver
- Refugees attempt to enter boat, realize boat is going the wrong way
- The giant asks one which way the creature went, it went south
- Eerie, swampy, poisoned landscape, some evidence of the Beast, but it stayed out of the river
Travel By Land - 02,10
- Dismount, enter firmer land
- Something brass is in the earth - gryphon feather!
- Landscape richer, more deer here, It’s around
Outside Donenashoe
- Mongfhind shares warnings about donenashoe - advises against camping in the ruins
- Party attempts to catch deer, unsuccessful
- Party camps the night - it is raining the next morning
- Approach ruins in staggered formation
- Carved to a style from over the seas, Alfred has seen before in churches
Inside Donenashoe Proper - 03,11
- Eerie feeling overtakes party, no signs of deer, no birdsong, intense claustrophobia, feeling of being watched
- Mongfhind licks one of the buildings
- She gets the taste of children
- Giant looks for treasure, notices a domed building in the center of the ruins
- Pushes random doors, second one unlocked, empty
- Mongfhind keeps watch from the roof while party searches house
- Vague movement noticed; 13 separate beings slowly converging on the house and cart
- Figures are sickly, diseased children, crawling on all fours
- Mongfhind shouts a warning in latin - the children all hide
- Party makes a run for the temple at the center
- Halfway to building, party comes across one of the children standing, standing 80 feet, not moving - arrow bounces off it like stone
- Perfect marble statue of pointed-ear child, covering its eyes, mouth open in surprise with shark teeth
- Kel dashes off as party nears temple to draw beasts’ attention, Mongfhind directing her from roof
- Temple surrounded by menagerie of marble beasts
Treasure found under flagstone in the street
- 600sp in mixed coinage.
- 150 Silver Tetradrachms (&T).
- 300sp worth of ritual incenses.
- A Pearl Eye.
- A vial of Inverse Varnish.
- Pocketed by Kel: A band of black stone, unadorned bar a single rune - a deep-cut X. It is always cool to the touch.
- 1 Giant Marble Deer
The Plaza
Sound of Rattle, something slithering, bronze arrow of quality lands at Kel’s feet
- Monster is drawn out, turns Mongfhind to stone and she falls from the building
Back in Dorbog
- Rest of the party escapes, returns to town
- Giant ominously whispers “one down” to Aethelwig