
Rangers Upon the Coast - Session 1

A boat was sent to Count Drest to try to cajole aid from him. He is afflicted by nightmares. The party learned that the nightmares are connected to a nearby island.


  • Isolde (Andrew)
  • Gundemar (Ben)
  • Þorkell Skaðison (Firbozz)
  • Mongfhind (Vivian)
  • Artair (Wren)
  • Refereed by Moose


The crew will sail to Dun Dulnadd to the southeast to make contact with one of the cruel Four Counts (Count Drest) that is plagued by strange dreams.


Aye here comes Holumenn Bjornn, with news of the voyage to Dun Dulnadd. Good day Bjornn, please tell us of your travels.”

The winds blew southwards, so we rested our oars and raised sail. We traveled southeast through the gray rain to the rumored location of Dun Dulnadd. On our way we passed north of what we called Gullsrock, and what we later learned was named Flodaigh. It was a barren island, covered in bird droppings and a lone, crumbling tower.”

As we made our way south along the coast of Albann and the Fortu lands, we came across a raiding vessel mid celebration bearing the crest of Count Drest. In a quick conversation between lowly Isolde, the hunter Þorkell, and old Mongfhind, they determined that Mongfhind would lead the way. We would declare some loyalties to Count Lutrin, and keep our secrets close.”

Mongfhind hailed the raiding vessel, and they greeted us with cheers and sloshing ale. They had acquired an illustrated manuscript, which they welcomed us to inspect once we landed at Dun Dulnadd. We sailed with our tentative allies.”

Dun Dulnadd is a fortress built atop a domed stone mountain rising along the coast. Count Drest’s flotilla is kept in the sea caves littering the shore. Luthel, the leader of the raiding vessel, met with Isolde, Þorkell, Gundemar, Mongfhind, and Artair. After a brief discussion that caused silver to fill Luthel’s head, he agreed to introduce our crew to the Count.”

With a seat at the back of the hall, we Holumenn watched the tired Count Drest receive his raiders. Though weary, he was proud of them, and even managed to insult Count Lutrin’s harsh ways.”

Mongfhind introduced our crew as envoys from Count Lutrin, sent to heal Drest’s nightmares. Expertly toeing the line with a silver tongue, the old woman offered our services without insulting Drest in front of his people, and gained a private audience with him after the feast.”

Drest provided us with a hearty meal and plenty of ale. Gundemar spoke with fellow raiders, Mongfhind grew close with Luthel, while Artair stood his quiet watch beside her. Isolde and Þorkell wandered off to the kitchens, returning with rumors from the attendants about the count, as well as some local hunting information and the possible whereabouts of Caelkirk. The feast died down, and Isolde, Þorkell, Gundemar, Mongfhind, and Artair followed Drest into his chamber.”

In the Count’s private audience chamber, firelight glancing off his retired set of mail, the old woman Mongfhind seemed a giant. With stars twinkling from her eyes, she stood proud to the Count and offered her star-carved staff. With a confidence granted by some forbidden knowledge of the fates, she swore We shall cure what ails you in these nights and restore to you the sleep you so much deserve.’ The Count, swayed by her power, relayed his dreams to her with fear and some relief.”

The crumbling tower on the island of Flodaigh. Forced to stand and watch as it crumbled over the ages. Chased by some beast, but never able to turn and face it, with eyes locked on the tower.”

The Count granted us hospitality, and let us rest in his halls for the night. In the dawn, Isolde used their Ruis tongue to gain rumors of Flodaigh from the Count’s attendants. From some lad he weaseled out the name of Slaine, the hunter.”

Þorkell and Isolde met her in the kitchens. Slaine refused to cooperate, speaking in a mysterious tongue and dripping riddles in Pictish. A common traveler to the island, she would offer no help. In a smitten flurry, Þorkell swore I will go to the island and I will return with something worthwhile.’ Lowly Isolde, on the other hand, made the poorest attempt at intimidation ever spotted upon this wet earth. Laughed out of the kitchens and slinking back to the crew, she turned to Slaine with a finger to her chest, boasting I will make you regret those words.’ This baffled the crew and we did not let Isolde live it down. Slaine seemed amused.”

From Dun Dulnadd, karvi heavy with two more days of food for the flotilla, we returned. The rain had finally cleared, but the winds were not in our favor, so I had to get back to rowing.”


Mongfhind, to Count Drest
We shall cure what ails you in these nights and restore to you the sleep you so much deserve.”

Þorkell Skaðison, to Slaine
I will go to the island and I will return with something worthwhile”

Isolde, to Slaine
I will make you regret those words”


  • Some ill will in the towns towards the count, a village tucked along the mountains had an old woman run down. Several villages along the mountain do not abide by the rules of Count’s rules
  • Counts Oswiu, Lutrin, Tharain all considered to be far worse and crueler bosses than Drest, even in his worsened state
  • Most of the fleet of Count Drest are hidden within tunnels of Dun Dulnadd, an impenetrable fortress
  • The source of the nightmares of Drest, which revolve around being forced to stare at the crumbling tower on Flodaigh, seem to be based on Flodaigh island?
  • In a town southeast of Dun Dulnadd, there is a healer with knowledge of a grove that can heal any ailment. 
  • Count Drest has acquired an illustrated manuscript that is worth boatloads of silver, if delivered to Moerheb Weald. 
  • Slaine, a hunter of Dun Dulnadd, speaks a tongue not of this material earth. 

Full Notes

Travel from Flotilla to Dun Dulnadd

  • 05,05 Mountain, atrocious spires, hard to land?
  • 07,06 - Gullsrock (Flodaigh)
    • Birds love it! Good eating?!
    • Strange tower, no lights
  • 07,03 - caelkirk? No lights, only rolling hills…
  • 07,04 and 08,04 - Marked by Count Lutrin
    • Encounter a raiding karvi marked by Count Drest, of Dun Dulnadd
    • Counts are subordinate to Queen of Fortu
    • Mongfhind elected leader”
    • Raiders returning with religious illustrated manuscripts, stories about saints. 
  • 09,05 Dome Rock Fortress, covered in signal fires, with some sea caves beneath. (This is Dun Dulnadd)

Dun Dulnadd

  • Luthel the raid leader?
  • Lied, told him manuscript is in Latin and they’ll pay big silver for it in Moerheb Weald
  • Invited to feast at the fortress
  • Towns spotted to the southeast.
  • The armed guards speak pictish to each other, but the fortress attendants speak ruis
  • Count Drest
    • Tired, nightmares, past his prime, mad about it, preoccupied 
    • Mongfhind, with a silver tongue, toes the line between offending the Count and letting him know us weirdos are here to help with his illness.
  • Feast plans
    • Isolde and Þorkell Skaðison - Talk to a local lad, ask about popular hunters, and for rumors about the Count’s dreams
      • Hunters - Gamemaster Old Finnbar, or Slaine [Sloan-ya] attending the Count.
        • Slaine - deer travel the river, from the mountain to the hills and grasslands 11,05
        • Caelkirk likely around 09,02?
        • Villages in the mountains don’t listen much to the Count
      • Count rumors from staff
        • Count goes to bed early
        • At midnight there are screams of terror, sometimes despair
        • Trying to flee, sprinting around the fortress
        • Stares at the sea with disdain when no one looks
  • Monfin - talking to Luther about the Count. Not much travel in and out of Dun Dulnadd, not many visitors trying to help the Count.
    • Another village to the southeast, more than 1 hex away, the healer tried to take Count to a site of healing, Count refused.
  • Gundemar - chatting up raiders, getting the vibes around Count Drest
    • Better than other Counts, at least. Just don’t beef it in front of him, but it’s not that hard to stay out of his way.
    • Count Oswiu, Drest, Lutrin, Tharain
  • Private Audience with Count Drest
    • 2 guards and attendant
    • Asking for supplies for the fleet from Drest, and to build relations.
    • Mongfhind Boasts. She will cure the nightmares of the Count.
    • Pulled to the Island in his sleep, Gullsrock, or Flodaigh. Haunted. Witnesses the Tower crumbling over the ages, cannot look away from it, is being chased by some unknown presence.
    • Attendants occasionally gather bird eggs there 
    • He has never stepped foot on the island, his soldiers may have
    • Dreams have been going on for a little less than a year
  • Rest
    • Count Drest has his nightmare at midnight
    • Mongfhind, Artair, and Þorkell Skaðison keep an eye on Flodaigh but spot nothing.
    • Talking to Attendants about Flodaigh
      • Think the Tower has something in it, ghosts, animals, weird old hermit eating eggs.
      • Visits to the island regular a year ago
      • Some people know a lot about the island, talk to Slaine, she knows about Ruislip and the ruins
    • Talk to Slaine
      • Spoke in unknown language.
      • Left behind burnt forests and broken roads
      • The woods are deeper than… empires

Leaving for the Flotilla

  • 2 days of food for the flotilla
  • Light rain, no major events
  • 10,06 - Unknown Town
  • 11?,08? - Another unknown town, exact location unknown
Up next Rangers Upon the Coast - Session 2 We went fishing, and we killed the gryphon that had been harassing the fisherfolk in the region. We brought back a baby gryphon to the flotilla.
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