
Subterranean Strut

My name is Michael H., and here is where I keep all the game detritus. I can be found in most places as @modality, but especially on cohost, Bluesky, and itch.io.

Avatar image by @molerider_press.

Crystal Realm

I run a tabletop game in a setting of my own making called Crystal Realm.

Rangers Upon the Coast

I ran a West Marches-style game of Wolves Upon the Coast with Danni and ICBMoose.

The One Ring

I ran Free League’s The One Ring in-person with some friends.

Stuff on itch.io

Here are some acts of game design that I have released into the wild.

  • Ouroboran Gulch — This is a free adventure location for Aaron King’s SpeedRune.
  • Prime Material — This is a ““standard”“” fantasy supplement for Troika that people seem to like.

RPG Tools

I have amassed a lot of computer programming projects related to role-playing games.

  • Obsidian Text Mapper — An Obsidian plugin to render beautiful hex maps, based on the original Text Mapper, found here.
  • Abulafia — I figured out how to re-animate The Abulafia Wiki (aka random-generator.com) from a Wikidump I found on Archive.org.
  • Moose Crawl Calculator — An expedition planning tool for ICBMoose’s Hexcrawling Rules
  • Obsidian TOR Statblocks — An Obsidian plugin to render adversary stat blocks for The One Ring, Second Edition.
  • Charred Black — The unofficial, online defunct, Burning Wheel Gold character burner. I used to run this on the Heroku free tier, which is no more. Someone appears to be running it here.