
Crystal Realm Rulings

1. Bookkeeping

1.1 Grazing

Pack and riding beasts, whatever form they may take, are capable of living off the land if well-stewarded by their handlers.

Beasts can be fed and watered without consuming provisions in Marine and Tropical climates.

Beasts consume one unit of provisions per day in Mountain climates. Water is plentiful, vegetation is sparse.
Hyalide and Thirane have a Mountain climate.

Beasts consume two units of provisions per day in Desert climates. Both food and water are required.
Sarg and Sudreon have a Desert climate.

1.2 Hostlers

The price of a room at an inn includes the cost of stabling and feeding the party’s beasts for the night. The beasts may be kept separate from the inn.

1.3 Boat Passage

Traveling along ferry route is a flat rate per hop from one dock to the next. The price is 20sp per passenger. Beasts count as additional passengers.

Chartering a ship to a specific location is based on distance. The price is 10sp per hex.

2. Alchemy

These alchemical concepts are learned the first time a character extracts secrets from an Alchemical Key.

Specific materials, essences, alchemical formulas, herbs, and rituals must be discovered in the course of play.

2.1 The Premise

Alchemy is the practice of transmutation. An alchemist treats materials with essences, compelling the material to undergo transmutation and producing a new material. The most basic formula is:


2.2 Materials

Powders, fluids, and crystals: chromatic, lustrous, noxious. There are a total of 39 alchemical materials, divided into three families:

3 Prime materials
12 Zodiac materials
12 Opus materials

2.3 Essences

Essences are found throughout the world in places of concentrated magical energy known as magic springs. A magic spring warps the surrounding area, growing in strength as one approaches its focus, which is brightly illuminated with magical energy.

When an alchemical material is placed at the focus of a magic spring, it may undergo transmutation.

There are a total of 9 essences, divided into three families:

4 Elemental essences
4 Vital essences
1 Quintessence

2.5 Transmutation Results

Transmutation occurs if a material is subject to the correct essence. Experimentation is permitted but not required. All alchemical formulas may be found in the world, known to sages and buried in tomes called Alchemical Keys.

Prime materials subject to Elemental essences become Zodiac materials.
Zodiac materials subject to Elemental essences may become Opus materials.
Zodiac and Opus materials subject to Vital essences may become Magicite.
Zodiac materials subject to Quintessence become a different Zodiac material.
Opus materials subject to Quintessence become a different Opus material.

2.6 Herbalism

Herbs can be substituted for alchemical materials. Each herb has two forms, a normal and a rare version. 10 doses of the normal herb are needed for a single transmutation. If the rare version is used, only a single dose is needed for transmutation.

2.6.1 Rare Herbs

In addition to its alchemical utility, the rare version of an herb is a single use magic item.

2.6.2 Foraging for Herbs

Characters can search for herbs. Each herb lists where it may be found, followed by a number 1-6: this is the x-in-6 chance of discovering the plant per half-day spent searching. On a success, 1d6 doses” are found. If the search result is a 1, roll another 1d6. On a further 1, a single dose of the rare version of the plant is found.

2.7 Rituals

Magical rituals can create essences in the absence of a magic spring. Each essence has a unique ritual. An alchemist performing a ritual makes a series of gestures and speaks the magic words over the alchemical material, which is then transmuted as if it had been placed in a magic spring.