
Crystal Realm Log

This page is a running log of all items and spells discovered by the party.


Ice (2 MP)

Freeze a creature for 2d6 damage. They may make a Physique save to halve damage received. Ice can also be used for chilling and freezing effects, increasing the difficulty according to the scope of the effect.

Cast Difficulty: 1d6
Alchemical Formula: Not discovered


Alchemical Key

The mysteries of Alchemy are closely guarded, and therefore subject to rampant speculation and credulous treatises by a panoply of cranks, faith healers, and oil peddlers. Natural Alchemy is real. Unfortunately, it is slandered as degenerate by the tower chemists, gendered pejoratively, and punished as heresy by the Holy Zodiac Church.

The knowledge survives in alchemical keys, the bedrock hidden beneath a thick sediment of allegory and symbolic illustration. You will not be the first or even the second owner of this manual. Its yellowed pages contain so many dog-ears, inserts, excisions, annotations, lacunae, and illegible bits - all sent through the wringer of multiple printings - that the book is unlikely to share any material with the original text bearing the same name.

Contains 1d6+1 nuggets of alchemical knowledge: formulae, substitutions, essences, rituals, and magic words. Each requires a full week to extract. Worth 2000sp to an unscrupulous chemist, or public execution by a Judge of St. Eldar.

Colloidal Mythril

Drinking this silvery potion causes the wearer to scintillate, making them easy to spot from a distance but hard to look at from close up. Attacks against this character are made with a -5 penalty, and they reflect magic as per the Reflection spell. Lasts 3 Turns.

Iron Ball

A cruel orb, as big as your head, is attached with 6’ of chain to an oaken haft. It is not perfectly spherical, indented and compressed from many years of bludgeoning.

Morningstar. Deals +1 damage, and an extra 2d6 damage to constructs.

Pumpkin Helm

A bulbous, bronze helmet with the face of a grinning jack-o’-lantern. Long ago, a powerful and beautiful witch rejected suitors by transforming them into pumpkin-headed men. Still devoted, they formed an order of knights, becoming formidable in their own right.

Helm, -1 AC. Improves Reaction checks from plant creatures by +2. The wearer may detach their own head at will. The body moves independently but clumsily - sight and sound still perceived by the head. If one dies, so does the other.


Worn in the hair, around the neck, or on the arm, this flowing ribbon grants +3 to Physique and Spirit saves.